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CLOSE 5 letter word which starts with the letter C and ends with the letter E

We have found 34 definitions.

(n.) To stop or fill up as an opening; to shut; as to close the eyes; to close a door.
(n.) To bring together the parts of; to consolidate; as to close the ranks of an army; -- often used with up.
(n.) To bring to an end or period; to conclude; to complete; to finish; to end; to consummate; as to close a bargain; to close a course of instruction.
(n.) To come or gather around; to inclose; to encompass; to confine.
(v. i.) To come together; to unite or coalesce as the parts of a wound or parts separated.
(v. i.) To end terminate or come to a period; as the debate closed at six o'clock.
(v. i.) To grapple; to engage in hand-to-hand fight.
(n.) The manner of shutting; the union of parts; junction.
(n.) Conclusion; cessation; ending; end.
(n.) A grapple in wrestling.
(n.) The conclusion of a strain of music; cadence.
(n.) A double bar marking the end.
(v. t.) An inclosed place; especially a small field or piece of land surrounded by a wall hedge or fence of any kind; -- specifically the precinct of a cathedral or abbey.
(v. t.) A narrow passage leading from a street to a court and the houses within.
(v. t.) The interest which one may have in a piece of ground even though it is not inclosed.
(v. t.) Shut fast; closed; tight; as a close box.
(v. t.) Narrow; confined; as a close alley; close quarters.
(v. t.) Oppressive; without motion or ventilation; causing a feeling of lassitude; -- said of the air weather etc.
(v. t.) Strictly confined; carefully quarded; as a close prisoner.
(v. t.) Out of the way observation; secluded; secret; hidden.
(v. t.) Disposed to keep secrets; secretive; reticent.
(v. t.) Having the parts near each other; dense; solid; compact; as applied to bodies; viscous; tenacious; not volatile as applied to liquids.
(v. t.) Concise; to the point; as close reasoning.
(v. t.) Adjoining; near; either in space; time or thought; -- often followed by to.
(v. t.) Short; as to cut grass or hair close.
(v. t.) Intimate; familiar; confidential.
(v. t.) Nearly equal; almost evenly balanced; as a close vote.
(v. t.) Difficult to obtain; as money is close.
(v. t.) Parsimonious; stingy.
(v. t.) Adhering strictly to a standard or original; exact; strict; as a close translation.
(v. t.) Accurate; careful; precise; also attentive; undeviating; strict; not wandering; as a close observer.
(v. t.) Uttered with a relatively contracted opening of the mouth as certain sounds of e and o in French Italian and German; -- opposed to open.
(adv.) In a close manner.
(adv.) Secretly; darkly.

Syllable Information

The word CLOSE is a 5 letter word that contains 1 syllable .

The syllable division for the word CLOSE is CLOSE

Other words from CLOSE

Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word CLOSE.