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FIGHT 5 letter word which starts with the letter F and ends with the letter T

We have found 9 definitions.

(v. i.) To strive or contend for victory with armies or in single combat; to attempt to defeat subdue or destroy an enemy either by blows or weapons; to contend in arms; -- followed by with or against.
(v. i.) To act in opposition to anything; to struggle against; to contend; to strive; to make resistance.
(v. t.) To carry on or wage as a conflict or battle; to win or gain by struggle as one's way; to sustain by fighting as a cause.
(v. t.) To contend with in battle; to war against; as they fought the enemy in two pitched battles; the sloop fought the frigate for three hours.
(v. t.) To cause to fight; to manage or maneuver in a fight; as to fight cocks; to fight one's ship.
(v. i.) A battle; an engagement; a contest in arms; a combat; a violent conflict or struggle for victory between individuals or between armies ships or navies etc.
(v. i.) A struggle or contest of any kind.
(v. i.) Strength or disposition for fighting; pugnacity; as he has a great deal of fight in him.
(v. i.) A screen for the combatants in ships.

Syllable Information

The word FIGHT is a 5 letter word that contains 1 syllable .

The syllable division for the word FIGHT is FIGHT

Other words from FIGHT

Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word FIGHT.