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GENTLE 6 letter word which starts with the letter G and ends with the letter E

We have found 11 definitions.

(superl.) Well-born; of a good family or respectable birth though not noble.
(superl.) Quiet and refined in manners; not rough harsh or stern; mild; meek; bland; amiable; tender; as a gentle nature temper or disposition; a gentle manner; a gentle address; a gentle voice.
(superl.) A compellative of respect consideration or conciliation; as gentle reader.
(superl.) Not wild turbulent or refractory; quiet and docile; tame; peaceable; as a gentle horse.
(superl.) Soft; not violent or rough; not strong loud or disturbing; easy; soothing; pacific; as a gentle touch; a gentle gallop .
(n.) One well born; a gentleman.
(n.) A trained falcon. See Falcon-gentil.
(n.) A dipterous larva used as fish bait.
(v. t.) To make genteel; to raise from the vulgar; to ennoble.
(v. t.) To make smooth cozy or agreeable.
(v. t.) To make kind and docile as a horse.

Syllable Information

The word GENTLE is a 6 letter word that contains 2 syllables .

The syllable division for the word GENTLE is GEN-TLE

Other words from GENTLE

Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word GENTLE.