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PLEDGE 6 letter word which starts with the letter P and ends with the letter E

We have found 11 definitions.

(n.) The transfer of possession of personal property from a debtor to a creditor as security for a debt or engagement; also the contract created between the debtor and creditor by a thing being so delivered or deposited forming a species of bailment; also that which is so delivered or deposited; something put in pawn.
(n.) A person who undertook or became responsible for another; a bail; a surety; a hostage.
(n.) A hypothecation without transfer of possession.
(n.) Anything given or considered as a security for the performance of an act; a guarantee; as mutual interest is the best pledge for the performance of treaties.
(n.) A promise or agreement by which one binds one's self to do or to refrain from doing something; especially a solemn promise in writing to refrain from using intoxicating liquors or the like; as to sign the pledge; the mayor had made no pledges.
(n.) A sentiment to which assent is given by drinking one's health; a toast; a health.
(n.) To deposit as a chattel in pledge or pawn; to leave in possession of another as security; as to pledge one's watch.
(n.) To give or pass as a security; to guarantee; to engage; to plight; as to pledge one's word and honor.
(n.) To secure performance of as by a pledge.
(n.) To bind or engage by promise or declaration; to engage solemnly; as to pledge one's self.
(n.) To invite another to drink by drinking of the cup first and then handing it to him as a pledge of good will; hence to drink the health of; to toast.

Syllable Information

The word PLEDGE is a 6 letter word that contains 1 syllable .

The syllable division for the word PLEDGE is PLEDGE

Other words from PLEDGE

Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word PLEDGE.

5 Letter Words

4 Letter Words

3 Letter Words