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AFTER 5 letter word which starts with the letter A and ends with the letter R
(a.) Next; later in time; subsequent; succeeding; as an after period of life. |
(a.) Hinder; nearer the rear. |
(a.) To ward the stern of the ship; -- applied to any object in the rear part of a vessel; as the after cabin after hatchway. |
(prep.) Behind in place; as men in line one after another. |
(prep.) Below in rank; next to in order. |
(prep.) Later in time; subsequent; as after supper after three days. It often precedes a clause. Formerly that was interposed between it and the clause. |
(prep.) Subsequent to and in consequence of; as after what you have said I shall be careful. |
(prep.) Subsequent to and notwithstanding; as after all our advice you took that course. |
(prep.) Moving toward from behind; following in search of; in pursuit of. |
(prep.) Denoting the aim or object; concerning; in relation to; as to look after workmen; to inquire after a friend; to thirst after righteousness. |
(prep.) In imitation of; in conformity with; after the manner of; as to make a thing after a model; a picture after Rubens; the boy takes after his father. |
(prep.) According to; in accordance with; in conformity with the nature of; as he acted after his kind. |
(prep.) According to the direction and influence of; in proportion to; befitting. |
(adv.) Subsequently in time or place; behind; afterward; as he follows after. |
The word AFTER is a 5 letter word that contains 2 syllables .
The syllable division for the word AFTER is AF-TER