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POLITIC 7 letter word which starts with the letter P and ends with the letter C
(a.) Of or pertaining to polity or civil government; political; as the body politic. See under Body. |
(a.) Pertaining to or promoting a policy especially a national policy; well-devised; adapted to its end whether right or wrong; -- said of things; as a politic treaty. |
(a.) Sagacious in promoting a policy; ingenious in devising and advancing a system of management; devoted to a scheme or system rather than to a principle; hence in a good sense wise; prudent; sagacious; and in a bad sense artful; unscrupulous; cunning; -- said of persons. |
(n.) A politician. |
The word POLITIC is a 7 letter word that contains 3 syllables .
The syllable division for the word POLITIC is POL-I-TIC
Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word POLITIC.