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SNATCH 6 letter word which starts with the letter S and ends with the letter H
(n.) To take or seize hastily abruptly or without permission or ceremony; as to snatch a loaf or a kiss. |
(n.) To seize and transport away; to rap. |
(v. i.) To attempt to seize something suddenly; to catch; -- often with at; as to snatch at a rope. |
(n.) A hasty catching or seizing; a grab; a catching at or attempt to seize suddenly. |
(n.) A short period of vigorous action; as a snatch at weeding after a shower. |
(n.) A small piece fragment or quantity; a broken part; a scrap. |
(n.) The handle of a scythe; a snead. |
The word SNATCH is a 6 letter word that contains 1 syllable .
The syllable division for the word SNATCH is SNATCH