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SNEER 5 letter word which starts with the letter S and ends with the letter R
(v. i.) To show contempt by turning up the nose or by a particular facial expression. |
(v. i.) To inssinuate contempt by a covert expression; to speak derisively. |
(v. i.) To show mirth awkwardly. |
(v. t.) To utter with a grimace or contemptuous expression; to utter with a sneer; to say sneeringly; as to sneer fulsome lies at a person. |
(v. t.) To treat with sneers; to affect or move by sneers. |
(n.) The act of sneering. |
(n.) A smile grin or contortion of the face indicative of contempt; an indirect expression or insinuation of contempt. |
The word SNEER is a 5 letter word that contains 1 syllable .
The syllable division for the word SNEER is SNEER