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OATH 4 letter word which starts with the letter O and ends with the letter H

We have found 4 definitions.

(n.) A solemn affirmation or declaration made with a reverent appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed.
(n.) A solemn affirmation connected with a sacred object or one regarded as sacred as the temple the altar the blood of Abel the Bible the Koran etc.
(n.) An appeal (in verification of a statement made) to a superior sanction in such a form as exposes the party making the appeal to an indictment for perjury if the statement be false.
(n.) A careless and blasphemous use of the name of the divine Being or anything divine or sacred by way of appeal or as a profane exclamation or ejaculation; an expression of profane swearing.

Syllable Information

The word OATH is a 4 letter word that contains 1 syllable .

The syllable division for the word OATH is OATH

Other words from OATH

Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word OATH.

3 Letter Words