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REMIT 5 letter word which starts with the letter R and ends with the letter T

We have found 9 definitions.

(v. t.) To send back; to give up; to surrender; to resign.
(v. t.) To restore.
(v. t.) To transmit or send esp. to a distance as money in payment of a demand account draft etc.; as he remitted the amount by mail.
(v. t.) To send off or away; hence: (a) To refer or direct (one) for information guidance help etc. Remitting them . . . to the works of Galen. Sir T. Elyot. (b) To submit refer or leave (something) for judgment or decision.
(v. t.) To relax in intensity; to make less violent; to abate.
(v. t.) To forgive; to pardon; to remove.
(v. t.) To refrain from exacting or enforcing; as to remit the performance of an obligation.
(v. i.) To abate in force or in violence; to grow less intense; to become moderated; to abate; to relax; as a fever remits; the severity of the weather remits.
(v. i.) To send money as in payment.

Syllable Information

The word REMIT is a 5 letter word that contains 2 syllables .

The syllable division for the word REMIT is RE-MIT

Other words from REMIT

Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word REMIT.

4 Letter Words

3 Letter Words