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THIN 4 letter word which starts with the letter T and ends with the letter N

We have found 10 definitions.

(superl.) Having little thickness or extent from one surface to its opposite; as a thin plate of metal; thin paper; a thin board; a thin covering.
(superl.) Rare; not dense or thick; -- applied to fluids or soft mixtures; as thin blood; thin broth; thin air.
(superl.) Not close; not crowded; not filling the space; not having the individuals of which the thing is composed in a close or compact state; hence not abundant; as the trees of a forest are thin; the corn or grass is thin.
(superl.) Not full or well grown; wanting in plumpness.
(superl.) Not stout; slim; slender; lean; gaunt; as a person becomes thin by disease.
(superl.) Wanting in body or volume; small; feeble; not full.
(superl.) Slight; small; slender; flimsy; wanting substance or depth or force; superficial; inadequate; not sufficient for a covering; as a thin disguise.
(adv.) Not thickly or closely; in a seattered state; as seed sown thin.
(v. t.) To make thin (in any of the senses of the adjective).
(v. i.) To grow or become thin; -- used with some adverbs as out away etc.; as geological strata thin out i. e. gradually diminish in thickness until they disappear.

Syllable Information

The word THIN is a 4 letter word that contains 1 syllable .

The syllable division for the word THIN is THIN

Other words from THIN

Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word THIN.