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CONTROL 7 letter word which starts with the letter C and ends with the letter L

We have found 5 definitions.

(n.) A duplicate book register or account kept to correct or check another account or register; a counter register.
(n.) That which serves to check restrain or hinder; restraint.
(n.) Power or authority to check or restrain; restraining or regulating influence; superintendence; government; as children should be under parental control.
(v. t.) To check by a counter register or duplicate account; to prove by counter statements; to confute.
(v. t.) To exercise restraining or governing influence over; to check; to counteract; to restrain; to regulate; to govern; to overpower.

Syllable Information

The word CONTROL is a 7 letter word that contains 2 syllables .

The syllable division for the word CONTROL is CON-TROL

Other words from CONTROL

Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word CONTROL.

7 Letter Words

5 Letter Words

4 Letter Words

3 Letter Words