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PREMIUM 7 letter word which starts with the letter P and ends with the letter M
(n.) A reward or recompense; a prize to be won by being before another or others in a competition; reward or prize to be adjudged; a bounty; as a premium for good behavior or scholarship for discoveries etc. |
(n.) Something offered or given for the loan of money; bonus; -- sometimes synonymous with interest but generally signifying a sum in addition to the capital. |
(n.) A sum of money paid to underwriters for insurance or for undertaking to indemnify for losses of any kind. |
(n.) A sum in advance of or in addition to the nominal or par value of anything; as gold was at a premium; he sold his stock at a premium. |
The word PREMIUM is a 7 letter word that contains 3 syllables .
The syllable division for the word PREMIUM is PRE-MI-UM
Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word PREMIUM.