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SCAR 4 letter word which starts with the letter S and ends with the letter R

We have found 6 definitions.

(n.) A mark in the skin or flesh of an animal made by a wound or ulcer and remaining after the wound or ulcer is healed; a cicatrix; a mark left by a previous injury; a blemish; a disfigurement.
(n.) A mark left upon a stem or branch by the fall of a leaf leaflet or frond or upon a seed by the separation of its support. See Illust.. under Axillary.
(v. t.) To mark with a scar or scars.
(v. i.) To form a scar.
(n.) An isolated or protruding rock; a steep rocky eminence; a bare place on the side of a mountain or steep bank of earth.
(n.) A marine food fish the scarus or parrot fish.

Syllable Information

The word SCAR is a 4 letter word that contains 1 syllable .

The syllable division for the word SCAR is SCAR

Other words from SCAR

Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word SCAR.

4 Letter Words