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SCARF 5 letter word which starts with the letter S and ends with the letter F

We have found 8 definitions.

(n.) A cormorant.
(n.) An article of dress of a light and decorative character worn loosely over the shoulders or about the neck or the waist; a light shawl or handkerchief for the neck; also a cravat; a neckcloth.
(v. t.) To throw on loosely; to put on like a scarf.
(v. t.) To dress with a scarf or as with a scarf; to cover with a loose wrapping.
(v. t.) To form a scarf on the end or edge of as for a joint in timber metal rods etc.
(v. t.) To unite as two pieces of timber or metal by a scarf joint.
(n.) In a piece which is to be united to another by a scarf joint the part of the end or edge that is tapered off rabbeted or notched so as to be thinner than the rest of the piece.
(n.) A scarf joint.

Syllable Information

The word SCARF is a 5 letter word that contains 1 syllable .

The syllable division for the word SCARF is SCARF

Other words from SCARF

Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word SCARF.

5 Letter Words

4 Letter Words

3 Letter Words