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SPAT 4 letter word which starts with the letter S and ends with the letter T

We have found 8 definitions.

- imp. of Spit.
(n.) A young oyster or other bivalve mollusk both before and after it first becomes adherent or such young collectively.
(v. i. & t.) To emit spawn; to emit as spawn.
(n.) A light blow with something flat.
(n.) Hence a petty combat esp. a verbal one; a little quarrel dispute or dissension.
(v. i.) To dispute.
(v. t.) To slap as with the open hand; to clap together; as the hands.
- of Spit

Syllable Information

The word SPAT is a 4 letter word that contains 1 syllable .

The syllable division for the word SPAT is SPAT

Other words from SPAT

Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word SPAT.

4 Letter Words

3 Letter Words