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TUNE 4 letter word which starts with the letter T and ends with the letter E

We have found 10 definitions.

(n.) A sound; a note; a tone.
(n.) A rhythmical melodious symmetrical series of tones for one voice or instrument or for any number of voices or instruments in unison or two or more such series forming parts in harmony; a melody; an air; as a merry tune; a mournful tune; a slow tune; a psalm tune. See Air.
(n.) The state of giving the proper sound or sounds; just intonation; harmonious accordance; pitch of the voice or an instrument; adjustment of the parts of an instrument so as to harmonize with itself or with others; as the piano or the organ is not in tune.
(n.) Order; harmony; concord; fit disposition temper or humor; right mood.
(v. t.) To put into a state adapted to produce the proper sounds; to harmonize to cause to be in tune; to correct the tone of; as to tune a piano or a violin.
(v. t.) To give tone to; to attune; to adapt in style of music; to make harmonious.
(v. t.) To sing with melody or harmony.
(v. t.) To put into a proper state or disposition.
(v. i.) To form one sound to another; to form accordant musical sounds.
(v. i.) To utter inarticulate harmony with the voice; to sing without pronouncing words; to hum.

Syllable Information

The word TUNE is a 4 letter word that contains 1 syllable .

The syllable division for the word TUNE is TUNE

Other words from TUNE

Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word TUNE.

4 Letter Words

3 Letter Words