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SURCHARGE 9 letter word which starts with the letter S and ends with the letter E

We have found 6 definitions.

(v. t.) To overload; to overburden; to overmatch; to overcharge; as to surcharge a beast or a ship; to surcharge a cannon.
(v. t.) To overstock; especially to put more cattle into as a common than the person has a right to do or more than the herbage will sustain. Blackstone.
(v. t.) To show an omission in (an account) for which credit ought to have been given.
(n.) An overcharge; an excessive load or burden; a load greater than can well be borne.
(n.) The putting by a commoner of more beasts on the common than he has a right to.
(n.) The showing an omission as in an account for which credit ought to have been given.

Syllable Information

The word SURCHARGE is a 9 letter word that contains 2 syllables .

The syllable division for the word SURCHARGE is SUR-CHARGE

Other words from SURCHARGE

Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word SURCHARGE.

9 Letter Words

8 Letter Words

7 Letter Words

6 Letter Words

5 Letter Words

4 Letter Words

3 Letter Words