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PARTITION 9 letter word which starts with the letter P and ends with the letter N
(v.) The act of parting or dividing; the state of being parted; separation; division; distribution; as the partition of a kingdom. |
(v.) That which divides or separates; that by which different things or distinct parts of the same thing are separated; separating boundary; dividing line or space; specifically an interior wall dividing one part or apartment of a house an inclosure or the like from another; as a brick partition; lath and plaster partitions. |
(v.) A part divided off by walls; an apartment; a compartment. |
(v.) The servance of common or undivided interests particularly in real estate. It may be effected by consent of parties or by compulsion of law. |
(v.) A score. |
(v. t.) To divide into parts or shares; to divide and distribute; as to partition an estate among various heirs. |
(v. t.) To divide into distinct parts by lines walls etc.; as to partition a house. |
The word PARTITION is a 9 letter word that contains 3 syllables .
The syllable division for the word PARTITION is PAR-TI-TION
Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word PARTITION.